Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Breast Augmentation Surgery In Delhi By Dr. Suman's

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Technically known as Augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation is designed to surgically enhance breast size with breast implants. It can correct a reduction in breast volume after pregnancy, help balance a difference in size, or implemented as a reconstructive technique following breast surgery. Breast Augmentation can be performed using either saline or silicone-gel implants, depending on a variety of factors. (Silicone-gel breast implants was recently approved in November 2006; used in reconstruction surgery for women of all ages and breast augmentation for women 22 years and older. Various mandatory conditions and studies apply, which can be discussed with your plastic surgeon)
1 hour or more.

Side Effects
Temporary soreness, swelling, change in nipple sensation and bruising. Breast sensitive to stimulation for several weeks.

Back to work: 3 to 7 days. More strenuous activity: 2 to 3 weeks. Swelling and bruising: 3 to 6 months.

Lack of implant permanence – surgical removal or replacement of the implants may be required to treat problems, including: deflation; the formation of scar tissue around the implant (known as capsular contracture), which may cause the breast to feel tight or hard; bleeding or infection. Increase or decrease in sensitivity of nipples or breast skin, occasionally permanent. Mammography may require a special technique. (Note: If you have any special concerns regarding the recent FDA approval, be sure to consult a medical professional.)

Variable. Implants may eventually require removal or replacement.

To hide scarring, the surgeon can insert implants through an incision in the armpit, through the areola or where the bottom of the breast meets the chest. Some surgeons use a technique known as Transumbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA), in which implants are inserted through the belly button via an endoscope.

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